Sydney, the largest city in Australia, is unquestionable… no joke.. it is….MASSIVE.
I am not certain if my brain is running out of hard drive, or if things are different when you visit them a second time after several years, however, I do not recall this city being quite this expansive. I suppose because I have more time, I am realising how little I saw of Australia the first time I was here. After my trip concluded in Stanley and Victoria- I went back to Melbourne for a few short days before heading over to the airport and awaiting my one-way flight to Sydney. I thought I knew what to expect, but, I didn’t actually realise the sheer size of the city. I had a few hours to spare while waiting for my first flight upon Virgin Blue (which was quite comfortable, excellent airline), so,
I reverted back to a very generous birthday gift (THANK YOU BEN!!!), this was a highly coveted DVD set I’d been admiring and dreaming of for a long time.. it was finally mine… Planet Earth (those Brits and their talent, I tell you)
The flight to Sydney was a mere 50 minutes- apparently the wind was blowing in a favourable direction, so instead of an hour and 15 minutes, which is still an unbelievably reasonable flight, I blinked, and there I was! The 7 dead bodies in my suitcase are starting to annoy me. Was it necessary to bring that many clothes? Its interesting now that I am on the last leg of my trip, I am running out of patience for my insanely heavy luggage. Fair enough, it is winter here, and I truly have been using, layering, and wearing all of my clothing (and the things I brought or accumulated with me are en route to my parents house via a box on a boat) NOTE TO SELF: NEXT TIME YOU TRAVEL, DON’T JUST SAY YOU WILL TRAVEL LIGHT, DO IT! I have been doing laundry almost every week, anyway, next time, I vow to not bring such a heavy bag, no matter if I will be gone for a few months or for an entire year, 3 outfits max, that’s the rule… who will hold me to it?
Arrival in Sydney felt a lot like arriving in Los Angeles, and the similarities between the 2 cities are numerous- although, Sydney is a great deal more interesting and diverse than LA in my opinion. (sorry native Angelinos) The first few days, I was staying a bit outside of the city, and had to spend those few days editing my photos from The Stanley, but, once I got into town, it became familiar again and was pure magnificence. It can’t be denied that Sydney has a certain je ne sais quoi, a certain appeal despite some of the most iconic and fascinating areas being the most populated with tourists (and we all know how I feel about touristy things) I was staying in an extremely funky part of the city proper called Newtown. It echoed several different parts of California to me- a bit of San Francisco with its coloured, aging buildings closely settled next to each other, as well as a bit of Venice Beach in its eclectic, multi-faceted culture and locals,a bit of LA proper with its traffic, and confusing roadways being blocked by road work or just too many people in one place. (thank god for GPS!) There were several cafes on every corner, even more antique shops, cuisine ranging from Nepalese, to Thai, to even worthy tasting Mexican food (good on you, Sydney!)
Several times while in Newtown, I ventured to the ultimate touristy spot in an attempt to get a new image for my e-promo. I wanted to use my shot of the scallops from The Stanley and needed a boat/water image to pair with it… and so off to Circular Quay- the hub of ferries and home of The Harbour Bridge and Opera House, I went.
What is it about architecure and lights that are fascinating? I am not sure, but, seeing the Opera House is THRILLING. I snapped several photos, trying to think of a unique angle, or something that hasn’t been done a billion times before, at any rate, it always makes my heart beat a little bit faster when I am standing before a famous icon, most especially one to do with the beloved arts. I STILL have not seen the inside of the Opera House- I mean my sister and I went in briefly the last time I was here, but, we did not get a tour(and this is a tour I actually WANT TO DO!) Its alright because I know I will be coming back again ; )
My brain was working on double overtime trying to get a unique water, boat shot for my new promo- and though I tried half the day, I didn’t capture it until I was on the ferry to Manly for Thursday nights at a pub with some new friends and most especially because I was told that Thursday nights had a magician! Seriously. A real magician ☺
Admittedly, it took me almost the entire 2 weeks in Sydney to find an affinity for it. I am fairly quick to feel the energy of a place, of a person, of a town, and when I arrived- things were so starkly different from Melbourne and insanely more expensive, I felt strongly for several days that I didn’t like Sydney. As time went on, and the more people I met and connected with (including the clever and adorable MAGICIAN) the different sides of Sydney that I experienced, I have found a soft spot in my heart for this metropolis of Oz. I have continually been to parts of Australia that many locals haven’t heard of, and ended up with some friendships that I will keep for a lifetime. Having visited Sydney, Davidson, French’s Forest, Manly, Newtown, Campbelltown, Eschol Park and Mudgee, I have felt the true Aussie experience resonating within me causing an even deeper love and appreciation for this land both city and countryside. ;)

This is why Sydney reminds me of SF!

My fave wall in Sydney

Cool Cafe of many along the streets of Newtown

This is practically straight out of Venice, CA!

Hahaha, I love the signs in Australia- isn't that kind of them to tell you which way to look before crossing the street?

Mystery bird.. does anyone know what kind it is?

On the way to the Opera House, Harbour Bridge to the left, beautiful sunny day as though it were the summer!

Darling Harbour

En route to the Opera House

Opera House part 2

Ha, these guys were actually entertaining, and loved being in photos- I imagine if I lived here, though, they would be annoying like the people in the subway stations in NYC or the people @ 3rd Street Promenade in LA

View from the ferry

Welcome to Manly

I just couldn't resist snapping this photo ;)

Cool water shot

Jules- my main magician man- his wallet was always on fire, lol !

Sydney at night
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