1. I bet you only thought you could go back in time in Photoshop- well Command+ Z and head back to November with me (sorry for the dorky photographer joke)

    I have decided that I will give myself a deadline to update my blog weekly with what I have been doing for the past few months and hopefully will get to the present soon ;)

    So, my October shoot was with the lovely Andrea Beaman- one of my favourite clients and a brilliant chef. We have started doing a once a month shoot, so look for more delicious updates. Recipes can be found on her website: www.andreabeaman.com and you may see some familiar photos on her site, taken by yours truly :)

    So Command+Z with me to November '09 and Thanksgiving/Holiday meal madness. I was fortunate to attend one of Andrea's cooking classes and we had a photoshoot the following day with all the same recipes that she prepared for the class with a few additional delectable dishes added to the mix. There's nothing quite like mom's cooking for the holidays- or well your family's cooking and traditions. I happened to be in California for the holidays with my family and found that when mom didn't cook this year- it was a sore disappointment. Of course the 2 times that she decided to not cook for one reason or another, she ended up cooking anyway! Having said this- and having a disappointing prepared meal- I look forward to the holidays this year when I hope to prepare some of these dishes no matter where I might be (unless I happen to be back in Australia because it will be summer time there, and turkeys and hot weather just don't seem to go together in my opinion ;) )

    So- grab a fork, or a spoon, or whatever you may need and see if you can taste any of these from your computer screen!

    Carrot Ginger Soup

    Oh yea, the money shot! This was a quick shot and ended up to be my fav!

    Beet, Apple, and Feta Cheese Salad on Napa Cabbage

    Beet, Apple, and Feta Cheese Salad Nestled in Winterbor Kale- oh my god YUM! An easy and amazingly delightful dish- extremely healthy, too ;)

    Sea Vegetables

    Sea Vegetables (can cure just about everything)

    Organic, free-range chicken with golden potatoes, cabbage, and carrots

    Organic, free-range chicken with potatoes, cabbage, carrots and rosemary

    Stuffed Kabocha Squash with Quinoa, Duck, and Savory Mushroom Gravy

    A different angle of the stuffed kabocha squash with quinoa, duck, and savory mushroom gravy. I am telling you- I do not like mushrooms and this woman's cooking made me eat them!!! ;)

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  2. Being consistent with a blog is much harder than I thought it would be! It is likely to due to the one and only side of me that is a perfectionist- the aesthetic side :) It is a new year... and yet, here I am going back in time again. I promise it will all come together and I will be living in the present soon.

    After I returned from Australia, I found myself feeling as though I was in a foreign country upon my return. I realise there is a fair amount of depression that accompanies the end of a long trip, and I was definitely prone to that feeling long before I even begrudgingly set my feet in motion to get back on a plane and return to the U.S... though there were things I missed about being "home" (don't even get me started on that concept...) I really didn't want to leave Australia, however, there was work to be done- concerts to attend, and people to reconnect to. I quickly got back into the swing of things and set off to cure the insatiable creative a.d.d. that forces me to be constantly busy.

    After I ran around and saw as many concerts as I could get to and attempted to have some semblance of normalcy or a schedule, I had to get back to shooting food. One of my favourite clients and all around- nicest person on Earth candidate- Andrea Beaman had a few food shoots planned and I promised her headshots. She ever so patiently waited from June until I arrived back state-side in September. We shot in the park on an overcast day and I picked out my favourites from each outfit change :) Andrea- is truly one of the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure to meet and know. She is loving, happy, and exudes beauty and wonder in her every move. She is a holistic health counselor, chef, teacher, friend, AND a previous Top Chef contestant. I am including one of the food shoots we did in June before I left to run across the globe to the Southern Hemisphere. Looking at the glorious, healthy organic food she makes always makes me hungry! (and oh yes, I got to eat all of it, let me tell you- her cooking is truly unparalleled, its delicious, healthy, complete with the secret ingredient- LOVE) Enjoy- and thanks for following along with me on this less than ordinary path I have created- although, I know myself, I never do anything normal. Thanks for reading and coming along :)

    My favourite :)

    What do you think of the hair up?

    Very New York- eh?

    I love the blue! She is the best model, ever, so wonderful and pleasant to work with!

    What a smile!

    Andddd the favourite- her favourite featured on her website, too! Very "Top Chef", no?

    Fantastic bruschetta

    Brilliant Organic chicken soup with a whole grain roll

    Organic Quinoa Tabouleh on lettuce- oh yum!

    I call this the "school picture" it just looks like a cute little organic quinoa tabouleh face with a bow, am I crazy? :)

    OH MY GOD Lemon Sole with soba noodles, carrots, and cabbage- try to make this- it will blow your tastebud's minds :)

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About Me
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Wanderlust food, travel, and mostly musician portrait photographer trying to get to as many countries as humanly possible :) (all the while sampling the cuisine and listening to as much new music as possible along the way!)
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