Even though I enjoy the Winter- there have definitely been those moments of "Winter Blues" and excessive hibernation. Not in the terms of a seasonal affective disorder, but just a sort of melancholy and wonder why sometimes I have been sleeping longer than 8 hours- or feeling like I am constantly on the verge of something big about to happen that is continually delayed. Oh yes, I tend to wax philosophic very quickly :) But, I digress....
I have been exceptionally fortunate to have Andrea Beaman as my regular client- she cooks the most healthy and delicious food which I happily take home with me after our shoots and devour. Both she, and another dear friend of mine Chef Rena Unger have taught classes and workshops on "How to Beat the Winter Blues" or to address the fact that there is an actual scientific reason that people are less motivated in the Winter time. After the holidays, there inevitably comes a sense of depression and since the natural order of the universe is in hibernation, we may feel the effects of that in our daily life as well. It is good to know that you are not alone! Fear not, public! There IS a cure... comfort food! From healing bone stocks, soups, and stews to the wonderfully comforting baked creations we can make to energise ourselves, there are several dishes that can help you feel satisfied and hopeful without cramming something offensive like Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese down your throat for some semblance of feeling comforted. Enjoy- and yes, I am starting with dessert :)

I am telling you- I do not like baked apples with the exception of when they are made in French cuisine, but this apple won me over. And it is important to start off with dessert :)

Nerdy macro shot number 1 :)

Action "reduction pouring" shot :)

Delectable baked apple with nuts and all sorts of goodness

Nothing like healthy fried rice and veggies by the windowsill

Sizzlin' Stir Fried Rice and Veggies :)

My nerdy inner artist loves macro shots- can you tell? :)

Soba noodles with cabbage, carrots, and scallions

Isn't that a stunning blue bowl and chopsticks?

Hearty Winter and Veggie Lentil Stew topped with my fav new green leafy veg- KALE. Sweet Kale shot, you gotta admit :)

Hearty Winter and Veggie Lentil Stew with Whole Grain Bread ( won't make you toot either, because the beans/lentils are soaked overnight :) ) Topped with my fav new green leafy veg- KALE

Tahini Noodles (house made dressings and sauces are truly unsurpassed)

Tahini Noodles (soba noodles with tahini sauce, scallions, ginger, and a sprinkle of confetti peppers :) )
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