1. I am truly floored. This doesn't often happen to me- I honestly was going to give up and tell my friend Maggie who is a trip leader/producer for SalaamGarage to cancel my happy hour. I didn't think I could possibly raise the money in time for my deposit.

    ....and yet, I DID! And $100 extra to go towards the rest of the trip- I am beyond grateful to all of my friends for their unwavering love, support, energy, kindness, donations whether through time, love, prizes, or all of the above- to all the people I don't know who showed up for the happy hour, and to everyone in general good spirits for your support and love! I paid my deposit- and now for everything else to fall into place :)

    A huge thanks and extra hugs to Maggie for her support, positivity, and keeping me in line- loads of love to you all- I will hope to continue to update while getting back to my regularly scheduled food programming. The Spring has brought with it more possibilities than I could have dreamed of- when I think back to my intense sickness in February, I feel like I am a completely different person today. In the words of one of my fav authors- Henry David Thoreau I feel I am truly embracing these possibilities and letting go of fear..." Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined" :) Onward!

    Love :)

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  2. Last night was the SalaamGarage fundraiser/Happy Hour here in NYC, and it was AWESOME! The turnout was great, and my raffle was very successful- I raised a total of $454!!! I only have $46 to go! And ONE more day to do it! If you want to help me and my entire deposit be a matter of donations- you all would rock my world! :)

    Thank you to everyone- here is my chipin page:


    (please note the remainder of what I earned has been earned in cash, and does not show on the chipin page)

    Cheers !!

    UPDATE!!! NOW I ONLY HAVE $26 to go! :) http://mirazaki.chipin.com/guatemala

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  3. Come one...come all... New Yorkers and tri-state area people alike... SalaamGarage Happy Hour this Tuesday April 13th in NYC!

    Party - Benefit
    Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010
    Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
    Location: The Globe
    Street: 158 east 23rd Street (Btw Lexington and 3rd Ave.)
    City/Town: New York, NY

    I am going to Guatemala in July (there it is, I said it!) with SalaamGarage to create a documentary project to help Agros International, an NGO that helps put land ownership into the hands of the indigenous Mayan people of rural Guatemala. Not only is this reason enough to be a part of this trip, but there are also food related stories!!! My project will be a photo documentary of the families in rural Guatemala. I continue to be in love food and travel photography, so I am taking those two passions and channeling them into a cause that will help cause positive social change by helping tell Agros International's success stories.

    SalaamGarage has partnered with the NGO Agros InternationalAgros International to help their cause. Participants like me choose which stories they would like to focus on. Community members have already agreed to being a part of our proposed stories. The 2 stories that spoke to my heart the most were the following:

    Jacinto and his family have been working together to support their daughter Engracia’s needs. Jacinto participated in the bread-baking course offered by FUNDAP, and built a wood-burning oven from what he learned in the training. Now the entire family works together to make fresh hot bread daily and sell it in Trapichitos and neighboring Agros community Xeucalvitz. They have also put a sign on the road in between the two communities advertising for the bread. With this bustling business, Jacinto and his family are closer to realizing their dreams.

    Francisco, one of Jacinto and and Catarina’s seven other children, is an 11 year old boy living with his family in Xeucalvitz, and is in charge of eight goats. Francisco is also the youngest participant in the trainings about caring for the animals and milking them for consumption and sell. “I want to tend animals when I’m older, so I’m learning everything I can now.”

    This trip and the nature of the project is already changing me from the inside out- I am raising the money with a deadline of April 15th to give my deposit, and will be co-hosting a SalaamGarage Happy Hour in NYC complete with a raffle and FABULOUS prizes donated by my amazing and fantastic friends :) (this also makes me realise that I have a whole load of friends who are authors, I never knew that until several of them donated books, haha!)

    The coolest part? The trip of course, but Salaam Garage is based in Seattle (my hometown, what!) and they will be hosting a Happy Hour there on the same night for the artists in Seattle who will be on the Guatemala trip! Simultaneous happy hours on 2 coasts- truly awesome!
    If you or someone you know is in the NYC area- please join us on Tuesday April 13th for the Salaam Garage Happy Hour:

    The Spring time has brought innumerable possibilities and opportunities for me- I am continuing to bathe in all the inspiration. Thanks for reading :)

    Anyone who can't make it and would like to support me can visit my chipin page to donate. Click to see how much I have raised so far!


    Cheers everyone :)

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Wanderlust food, travel, and mostly musician portrait photographer trying to get to as many countries as humanly possible :) (all the while sampling the cuisine and listening to as much new music as possible along the way!)
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