1. © REUTERS/Casa Presidencial

    WHAT A WEEK! I have never thought about one country quite this much before (exception perhaps Australia) In my new endeavor to fundraise for Guatemala, I found that I was learning and growing personally... but truly feeling the power of photography and what a difference it can make in the world. My chosen profession was a choice in the sense that I decided to pursue it as a career; but it was never a question for me. There was never anything else that I wanted to do, that I could see myself doing, or that I truly considered doing. In a sense- it was a no-brainer for me and seemed like a true destiny. I have been quite taken aback by the power of the photos I have seen of Guatemala this week, and the timing couldn't be more perfect. As a visual society, I know that there is power in an image, and I feel the urgency of my trip to Guatemala in just over a month pulsing through my veins.


    I am now offering gifts and prizes for donations- and the survey is also available to be taken. What better time to contribute to Guatemala than now?

    Fill out the survey and browse my current offers if you are interested in more!

    $25 donation gets a free set of 5 custom printed postcards

    $50 donation gets free 8x10 of your choosing from Guatemala or other collections

    $350 gets free portrait

    $500 gets free family portrait or boudouir session including prints

    My pitch: http://seattle.spot.us/pitches/440-poverty-in-guatemala

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  2. This is the first time I have ever fundraised for anything in my life- the experience is quite simply amazing- it has already changed me. I have found that I have a difficult time receiving- but- this experience which I have not fully digested yet, has truly been one that I will not soon forget. There's a brilliant opportunity for people to donate $5 via a marketing survey on Spot.us. I would love the support for anyone that has a few minutes to help me out.

    Step 1- Find my campaign


    OR you can just type in my name: Mira Zaki to apply the credits to me! THANK YOU !

    How it works

    * Step 1. Register or log in at Spot.Us (upper left hand corner).
    * Step 2. Click the "Earn Credits" button in the header.
    * Step 3. Take the painless survey.
    * Step 4. Click submit and then browse the pitches on Spot.Us. Click "Apply Credits" - confirm you want to apply credits and bingo!
    * Step 5. Feel good that you've helped support civic reporting. Share it with your friends!

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About Me
About Me
My Photo
Wanderlust food, travel, and mostly musician portrait photographer trying to get to as many countries as humanly possible :) (all the while sampling the cuisine and listening to as much new music as possible along the way!)
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