my sense of adventure awakened, the blood pumping through my veins- palpable.. and so, I give this dramatic intro because this is just absolutely out of character for me to have HIKED a recently erupted VOLCANO!
The volcano erupted about 2 months ago and actually killed one reporter. I can't say that this made me feel afraid... I was much more worried about a) hiking, b) hiking a volcano and c)my right ankle that has still not fully healed from my accident 2 years ago (wow they were not kidding when they said feet heal slowly). We took a vote the night before to see who was interested in this optional activity. My first inclination was to say no, to be comfortable, and sit at the hotel warm in my bed, hanging out with the hotel poodle, and drinking hot chocolate. But, I am really glad I decided against chickening out.
Another reason this was so significant to me- I do NOT hike. And I don't hike because I don't enjoy it... I don't hike due to my injury, and honestly because I sort of don't understand hiking... walking on purpose? with a stick on uneven terrain just to go up and down???? Now, granted I am a photographer, and so ok, I get it. Hiking brings you to beautiful bird's eye views, or worm's eye views... or just beautiful views.
After the group vote, we were all in and for a mere $16 USD and 50 Quetzales entrance fee. The Quetzale exchange rate is about 8 to $1 so, I felt like a millionaire all through Guatemala :) So off we went, we met some dogs, we chatted with some kids trying to sell us walking sticks... we had our sugary goods ready to go.
I made it halfway up before I decided to use one of their "taxis", which was a lovely horse. I really like riding horses and honestly was attempting something extremely strenuous for my ankle's well-being (not just being lazy). It was a magnificent sight... from the destruction of the recent eruption, every single step we took was covered with volcanic ash and rock, but the air was as clear and clean as though it was the first day on Earth. Corn crops grow throughout the entire country it seems... everywhere we turned was something majestic to lay our eyes upon. Truly, Guatemala is one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been to.
Once we got to the top, we had a time limit- because they were uncertain of the volcano's safety.. it smoked a bit for us, which I just thought was amazing, and luckily, no eruptions. Hike up Pacaya Volcano with us below :)

Boy and horse :)

I love clothes hanging on lines blowing in the wind

Beautiful dog who lives at the base of the volcano

Beautiful dog #2- I love what a specific personality each animal has, namely dogs

Damage from the eruption- but somehow looks intriguing and interesting to me

Agave plant !

Dog who hiked up the Volcano with us!

Corn growing in the distance!!!

NO COLOUR CORRECTION! I love how moody this is...

The view opposite where we hiked up to


I love this- trip member Jody left her backpack there and it sort of felt like an ad to me :)
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