1. Long overdue for a blog entry, but just have to share my excitement for being published on the NY Times Blog!!!!!!!!

    Check it out- http://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/28/ristretto-aeropress/?emc=eta1

    It's my name on there! I did a shoot for a lovely coffee shop called Everyman Espresso here in NYC... and when I was asked if they could use one of my photos... I was over the moon :) Insert largest font size possible smiley face here- so stoked... and have to give a shout out to my friend and powerful clairvoyant and healer, Maureen St. Germain. I have been listening to one of her meditation/manifestation cd's at night before I go to sleep, and this opportunity came to me. Check her out- she is an amazing woman to know! http://www.maureenstgermain.com/MeditationCDs.html

    Here's the edited version of my photo- I didn't get to edit, but I am sooooo happy!!!! :)


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Wanderlust food, travel, and mostly musician portrait photographer trying to get to as many countries as humanly possible :) (all the while sampling the cuisine and listening to as much new music as possible along the way!)
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